Stellar Customer Retention Through Email Marketing

Stellar Customer Retention Through Email Marketing

Have you thought about using Email marketing to retain your customers? If not, you are missing out alot. With Email marketing and proper segmentation, you can keep your customers engaged and coming back for more. In this blog post, we’ll share some tips on how to create an effective email … Read more

person using smartphone and laptop at the same time

Email Digest : Why you should use it.

Introduction An email digest is a process of collecting email messages and sending them in a single email to the user at a specific time. Email digest can help reduce mailbox clutter, keep track of important conversations, and avoid information overload. It is also a great way of reducing constant … Read more

Photo Of Person Using Laptop For Graphic Designs

Email : A getting started guide for beginner

It’s hard to imagine how we managed to run our businesses before we had email. In just a short time email has taken over our lives. We rely on it for everything from personal communication to business communication. This blog unpacks the history, the benefits, the pitfalls, and the techniques … Read more

Businessman Experiencing Burnout

How much email is too much email?

ntroduction: email overload Everyone is constantly checking email, social media, and other digital platforms. More than ever, we are expected to be available at all times. This has led to the rise of “incessant email” and an expectation that people must respond to every email. With so much demand for … Read more

Is DMARC worth it: What do you think?

Is DMARC worth it: What do you think?

The Domain-based Message Authentication, Reporting, and Compliance (DMARC) standard was launched in 2015 by the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) in RFC 7489. However, the first DMARC standard was first published in 2012 to prevent email abuse. The goal of this standard is to protect email from spoofing by making … Read more

Domain Name 101 : Everything about Domain name

Domain Name 101 : Everything about Domain name

Domain names are an important part of the internet. They are what identify a website and help people find it. This article will teach you everything you need to know about domain names, what they can contain, and investment opportunities, from what they are to how to register one. When … Read more

Why Domain is Important For Your Business

Why Domain is Important For Your Business

The domain name is an important part of your business. It’s what people use to find your website. It’s also the web address that customers will use to send you an email. That’s why it’s important to choose a domain name that represents your business well and is easy for … Read more

Black Server Racks on a Room

How Domain Name Server Works

If you’ve ever wondered how domain name servers work, you’re not alone. Many people don’t even realize that they use them! If you’re wondering what a DNS server is, read on to learn more about its function and usage. You’ll also discover what the different types of DNS servers are … Read more